Sunday, September 22, 2013

Embarkment 2577 by Maria Hammarblad

Diary of a Time Traveler

This is almost like a diary of someone who finds them self in the future. She is in love with Adam, an android, and gets mixed up in multiple situations that always threaten her life. Unfortunately, there is really no reference to the world events going on around them, it's solely limited to the main characters and the ship they are on. I would have liked to see how this little microcosm plugged into a bigger picture, perhaps in the next book? Still interesting, and definitely PG rated so if you are looking for a steamy romance this isn't it, but still a decent read.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Zoe Thanatos by Crystal Cierlak

I found the thought of an alternative universe in this book uniquely presented and the story well written.  I've posted a small review on Amazon and would recommend this book to anyone. Because of it's PG content it is suitable for most readers although there is mention of an affair and an attempted suicide.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Review: The Washington Post Cookbook: Readers' Favorite Recipes

Edited by Bonnie S. Benwick
Forward by Phylis Richman
Published by Time Capsule Press LLC


I received this review copy from NetGalley today and have been going through it all day! I'm impressed by the level of recipes and will admit that many have ingredients that are not easily obtained, although easier to find now than when many of the recipes were first printed in the Post, and probably are more complicated than the average cook will want to try. However, if you cook like I do (which is try a recipe once then change it all around to make it mine) you will love these recipes for the inspiration they give your regular cooking even if you don't use them verbatim. The history of where the recipe came from, the response, the background on the column and the various chefs that wrote for the column is all very interesting and is not only in the introduction but throughout the book on each recipe where they give a little introduction to the recipe and the where (ie restaurant) and who invented it. The photos are wonderful and make you hungry which in itself can be inspirational.

Welcome & Introduction

Since I bought my first ereader (a Kindle) two years ago, I've read over 3,000 books on my Kindle. I also have a Nook (which I won), and use my Laptop and my Android phone to read as well. Let me just say I'm addicted to reading, and have passed the addiction onto my children as well, luckily they are now all adults and I no longer have to support their habits along with my own.

I don't know about anyone else but for me it is frustrating when there are an abundance of typos, editorial errors, mis-used words (wrong meanings especially), and my biggest pet peeve... the incorrect character name used! If the author can't keep tract of which character is speaking or in the middle of the action, then how is the reader supposed to? It angers me not just that the author made the error but that that poor author then paid for others to proof their book and nobody caught the errors? I've sent authors many emails telling them of the errors that I've found. I prefer to let the author know without plastering the internet with 'slams' about quality. My hope has always been that they want to produce a great product and will fix and re-publish a corrected version, so far the responses I've had have always been positive.

I don't just bitch though and have found many great authors by going through the free books in genres that interest me and just trying them all. One of my favorites that I found this way is , T C Southwell who has a couple of series and I found them all great, but for me started with a free book and ended a week later with all of her current books downloaded, read, and loved.  Because of this habit I decided to try out making my own blog of my reading journey and maybe introducing others to "new" authors that maybe they wouldn't have tried either without a little push.

The genres that I read are Historical, Historical Fiction, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Romance, Erotica, Crafts, and any variations thereof and I'm always willing to try books from other genres as well. As for the Crafts Genre, I myself knit, crochet, spin, sew, quilt, doll make, bead, embroider, make jewelry, cross stitch, felt, collect old craft books, old cook books, and antique patterns.

Thanks for joining me on  my journey!